Gotham Review: “Everyone Has a Cobblepot”

Synopsis: Bruce deals with an attack close to home.

In a not-so-surprising move, Gotham returns this week with a rather enjoyable episode. The past few weeks I have voiced my opinion on the lackluster episodes stuffed with too many stories, unwanted violence and just plain bad acting… but “Everyone has a Cobblepot” delivers on a number of levels.

Alfred is recovering from his (surprising) stabbing last week, Gordon brings Harvey Dent (where’s he been?) along for an investigation into GCPD, Penguin starts his own fight club and Fish… eh, whatever.

Gotham moved along at a great pace this week. adding a bit of depth to some characters, and expanding their story while also including a bit of the “a case a week” deal that is normal for a TV drama. The case this week surrounding the GCPD (which Gordon loves to say) was of particular interest to me because they were going after the head honcho, Commissioner Loeb. There’s a lot at stake, and Gordon has a hard time getting any support when going after one of their own, even Bullock this week. As he says “Everyone has a Cobblepot” (referring to the first episode of the series) and that’s what eventually gets Loeb caught.

Another highlight for me was Edward’s heartbreak. I’ve enjoyed this guy on screen since the beginning, and can’t wait for him to have his defining moment. I don’t think that’s too far off, seeing as his hopes of the future were crushed in this week’s episode. I really like Edward in Gotham and can’t wait for his turn to the dark side.

I’ve said before that Gotham is what it is, and it has a consistency of surrounding a good episode with plenty of “meh”. Luckily for us, we got a good one this week and with a six week hiatus, maybe it’ll bounce back with another.

Rating: 8/10

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