Amy Adams Claims Affleck Will Be Doing ‘His Own Unique Thing’

Amy Adams is the adorable actress whom I first laid eyes on in Disney’s Enchanted. There was a certain amount of attention to detail and reverence in her performance that made me fall in love with her completely. Since then, her resume has expanded to include a ton of versatile roles, all of which she was fantastic in. Yes, I also adored her turn as Lois Lane in Man of Steel despite the criticisms lodged against the movie as a whole.

The casting for the Man of Steel follow-up and launch of the DC cinematic universe, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has been a point of contention, most notably the casting of Ben Affleck in the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Most folks believe that given Affleck’s history with superhero movies, he was simply not qualified for the coveted role. However, a recent interview with Amy Adams has her praising Affleck’s turn as the Bats. Of Batfleck, she said:

“He is going to be his own unique thing. He’s got a wonderful quality and a great body of work. I was only in one scene with him, I think I’m allowed to say that. So I didn’t get to see much, but what I saw was fantastic.”

“Unique” isn’t always a good thing. Sometimes unique can be a little strange and off-putting and sometimes it’s original. It’s a gamble, but it seems to have paid off, according to Adams.

She also mentioned briefly about Gal Gadot’s turn as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, another controversial casting choice.

“We’re not allowed to speak about it, but I just want to tell everybody everything. I’ve spoken about working briefly with Gal as Wonder Woman and Ben as Batman and had a wholly positive experience.”

I have been neutral on Gadot and Batfleck, preferring to reserve judgement until I actually see their performances. But hearing Adams’ praise has got to be reassuring, right? Then of course, your cynicism kicks in and you know that she’s contractually obligated to sell a movie, but the bright side is that she didn’t have to mention anything about their performances nor did she have to let slip that his portrayal would be unique.

What do you think? Is unique a bad thing or a good thing? Let me know.

Source – Tewkesbury Admag

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