This Week On The ‘BvS’ Set: The Dearly Departed Waynes Part Deux

“This Week on the ‘BvS’ Set” is a new recurring column that attempts to catch you up on the ongoings on the set of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, permitting anything interesting actually happens on the set.

Last week, I took a personal day because I was out of town and my colleague Eric Joseph did a great job, so please give him a round of applause. Last week, we saw pictures of Henry Cavill in costume as Supes saving the lovely Lois Lane, played by the lovely Amy Adams, mirroring many classic comic book panels. With that being said, you can see that shooting is still ongoing and we’re getting to some of the more spectacular scenes being shot. This week is no exception because some pivotal origin story stuff is going on. The last time I did this column, we peeked some very interesting structures that indicated the resting place of some very well-known parental figures along with a melancholy funeral scene. I speculated that we might be getting a flash back origin story for our Bats. STOP HERE, because there are spoilers ahead.






I hear they are filming here again tomorrow. Time to get a picture with Ben Affleck!

A photo posted by Dan Marcus (@danimalish) on

Working at the Daily Planet today. A photo posted by Dan Marcus (@danimalish) on

Those are two shots from the awesome Daily Planet set in Chicago, Illinois. Just a buffer for those who have yet to move away.

Yep, we are definitely getting a flash back of the legendary Wayne murders. The tragedy that would go on to traumatize young Bruce Wayne and set him on a path towards justice. It’s been made pretty obvious that Zack Snyder is taking influence from the Dark Knight Returns. Well, at this point, it’s almost looking like a live-action adaptation of the book.

Take a look below:

Filming resumes tonight. #BatmanvSuperman #bvschicago

A photo posted by Dan Marcus (@danimalish) on

I’m sure you guys recognize the title of the movie on that marquee. In many iterations of the Dark Knight’s origin story, the Waynes have just finished watching the Mark of Zorro, some versions have the young Bruce running around, excitedly waving a stick, emulating the hero in the film. Want to see something cooler? The posters indicate that it is the Tyrone Power version from 1940, famously referenced by Bruce in the Dark Knight Returns.  

They are actually using “The Mark of Zorro”! #BatmanvSuperman #bvschicago A photo posted by Dan Marcus (@danimalish) on

That is the poster of the 1940 Mark of Zorro, starring Tyrone Powers. Pretty cool, huh? It’s the little the things that keep me happy. All of these photos were taken by Instagrammer Dan Marcus.

Below is a photo of the lovely Wayne family.

  My only issue at this point is the fact that Thomas Wayne is sporting a hobo beard. From the Instagram of BatmanvSuperman2016. If that’s not enough, he has some video of the actual scene itself.

Take a look:

  Wayne murder. #batmanvsuperman #bvschicago   A video posted by Dan Marcus (@danimalish) on


We’ve seen the origin story far too many times, so I was sort of looking forward to a well-established Batman that didn’t necessarily need an origin story. I just really hope that the origin doesn’t take too much time. That’s what bogged down the Amazing Spider-Man, the origin story took up nearly half of the movie’s run time. I just gotta trust Snyder. That’s all for today, folks. If you’re in Chicago and happen to catch something interesting (and are a wonderful person), please drop us a line over here or over at Facebook.


Source – Instagrammer Dan MarcusInstagram of BatmanvSuperman2016

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