Suicide Squad to be Shot in Toronto

David Ayer’s upcoming Suicide Squad is going to be shot almost entirely in my home and native land. That’s right! Canada, and more specifically, our largest city, Toronto, Ontario will be the shooting ground for the Suicide Squad movie. It’s not unusual for a big hollywood movie to be shot in Canada, but most of the time it’s in Vancouver, British Columbia (which is on the west coast) as it’s slightly cheaper. However many great movies have been shot in the T-dot, including American Psycho, Blade 2, The Fantastic Four and many many more and Ayer’s Suicide Squad is set to shoot this summer between April and August. The film will primarily be shot at Pinewood Toronto Studios as well as undisclosed locations around the city. So if you’re a Torontonian yourself, be on the lookout for any signs of the movie and potential set leaks!

Keep it locked here at DKN for all Suicide Squad updates in the future!



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