This Week on the ‘BvS’ Set: Corktown Filming Begins, Batfleck Saves Little Girl, Car Chases

“This Week on the ‘BvS’ Set” is a new recurring column that attempts to catch you up on the ongoings on the set of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, permitting anything interesting actually happens on the set.

Filming began on August 6th and as a result of that, we’ve got a ton of stuff to sift through. Eric Joseph has got some exclusive photos from the set, so this week’s column is going to be light on the images and heavy on the videos. Yes, videos and there are several. Lots of spoilers ahead and if you’ve been following this column, this movie should be shaping up in your head, which is both bad and good. Since I started this column, I’ve only gotten more excited. The scene that was shot this week has only intensified my anticipation. No more talk, let me throw up that large spoiler warning!




Capitalism at its best. Looks like Metropolis has multiple cab companies. There are lots more where that came from, so check out our exclusive photos.

Now, on to the videos. First off, we have a video by the local news station that further proves how news outlets are slowly becoming obsolete as the reporter was unable to really find anything, however if you watch up until about 2:19, the reporter will mention that all the destruction was caused by Lex Luthor. Wait… how did he cause all this damage and what was his motivation? Up until now, I thought it was a massive brawl between Supes and our secondary antagonist.
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Next up, we’ve got a few videos of the crew shooting Batfleck himself. The first is of Batfleck in the wreckage, where the cameraman, Samuel Otten catches his first glimpse of Batfleck as Bruce Wayne and Zack Snyder on set, the second is the infamous child rescue scene.

Cool, huh? I can just imagine while Supes is having such a destructive battle above, Bruce is trying to hardest to ensure none of this destruction hurts anybody down below. He watches from below and deems Supes far too dangerous and makes a vow to set this superhuman right.

Now on to those car chases about which those business owners were warned. And it is definitely loud and distracting, so I can imagine that the novelty will wear off quickly and they’d get pretty annoyed.

The car chase sequences don’t quite interest me, but I’m sure they’re necessary to establish whatever goes on at Wayne Financial. I just can’t wait anymore.

That’s all for today, folks.

If you’re in the Detroit area and happen to catch something interesting (and are a wonderful person), please drop us a line over here or over at Facebook.

Source – Bananadoc, Channel 4 News in Detroit, YouTubers Samuel Otten, Caleb Sherman, Dan Newman, and allan.

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