‘Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ SDCC Teaser Leaked Online

Last night, Zack Snyder appeared in Hall H and revealed the first official footage of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of the Justice, along with it, the first official photo of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Based on the cam videos surfacing, the fan reaction was wild. Did I mention there are cam videos? That means that we’re getting leaks surfacing all over the Internet of that wonderful, wonderful teaser.

Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice (Teaser… by filmow

First off, I’m sure you all noticed the suit. The armored Batsuit. I don’t believe anybody can deny that that is the suit from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Falls, during that final epic battle against the Man of Steel. Seeing it in a live-action capacity is mind-blowing. It obviously tells us that there’s more than one Batsuit, but could there be more than just the two? Second, the glowing white eyes! The glowing white eyes to match Supes’ glaring laser vision. Never in my most wildest dreams did I think that they would ever go with the glowing white eyes that’s graced Batman: The Animated Series and many other comic book panels. In fact, I just a finished a conversation with a friend, completely dismissing any possibility of glowing white eyes, deeming it completely impractical in the cinematic sense. I was wrong. And third, the style. This flick, similar to Snyder’s previous flicks (300, Watchmen, Sucker Punch), looks like it’s going to be highly stylized to the point where most frames will be heavily edited and I can dig that.

I’ve been a relatively big proponent of the flick, while I was always optimistically neutral about Batfleck. Naysayers have not deterred me and I’ve even lectured some folks when they would present misinformation regarding the flick to support their claims of why it would be bad. Hopefully, this teaser will silence them. More than anything, I just want to see the Trinity live-action on-screen and we’re actually getting it in the very capable hands of Zack Snyder.

After the teaser premiered, Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill were brought on-stage followed by Gal Gadot. Chris Hardwick made sure to snap this picture to commemorate this event.

After we discovered it online, I’ve since watched it at least 10 times. By the fourth time, I almost started sobbing. I don’t believe I’ve ever anticipated a live-action tentpole this much.  I must remain calm, the flick is still filming and still a long ways down the road. We should all be expecting it May 6, 2016.

Until then, here’s some screen shots to tie you over:

The last three framed images are courtesy of Redditor U_V.

Source – Business Insider

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