The series is described as follows:
Batman has left Gotham City in the hands of his protege Nightwing. Nightwing must grapple with the rising drug war between the mob and the Riddler’s camp, as well as the return of someone from the past with revenge on his mind. The series, now in production of its 2nd and final season, places an emphasis on the characters behind the masks they wear and the significance of the masks themselves. Rich with characterization, action, and nods to the comic books, the series has and will continue to feature appearances from Black Canary, Oracle, Huntress, Catwoman, the Riddler, and others.
As the second season draws near, director Alex Valderana’s brainchild looks to offer more superhero action, guest appearances from beloved comic book characters, and intrigue set in a gritty, urban atmosphere that Batfans have come to expect in modern tales. You can check out a teaser for Season 2 at the top of this article, but if you want to catch up, please visit the official site – nightwingescalation.net – to view previous episodes. A teaser image for the first episode of Season 2, “Freedom”, can be glimpsed below.