Batman v Superman: Daniel Radcliffe Wants To Play Robin

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits our screens in 2016 and with the wave of rumours picking up pace, a recent one we have heard is that we may see Nightwing fight side by side with Affleck’s Batman. The excitement fans have with new roles being introduced into films is not just the role itself, but who could possibly fill that role. In a recent interview with Buzzfeed Daniel Radcliffe has thrown his hat into the ring declaring interest in the latest DC blockbuster stating he would be a good “Robin”.

When asked what movie franchise he would like to partner with he answered quite promptly, “Batman,” he said. “If they reboot that again, I’ll do that, too. It’s happening isn’t it? With Ben Affleck. I could be Robin. I’m perfect.”

Through his success on the Harry Potter series (which is affiliated with Warner Bros) would that give Daniel any head way with possibly gaining a competitive edge in being cast for the role of Robin (if it is available) or any other role that may fit? What do our fans think regarding the possible introduction of Nightwing or Robin in Batman v Superman?

Source: Yahoo Movies

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