Review: Batman Eternal #9

Synopsis: As the weekly Batman epic continues, the questions continue to mount. Find out why Batman is in Hong Kong teaming up with Mr. Unknown.

Batman: Eternal splits itself into 2 stories this month, one taking place in Gotham and the other in Hong Kong. I’m not the biggest fan of Batman hitting the road, and this issue reminds me of my least favorite part of Batman, Inc. … except this story works. The Dark Knight is looking for answers to the many questions surrounding Carmine Falcone.


Meanwhile back in Gotham, Carmine Falcone is trying to catch a cat. It seems Catwoman is doing what she does best.

Except this kitty gets caught.

Here are a few things to look for in this week’s issue:

  • Catwoman doing what she does
  • Reference to Year One
  • Batman, Inc.
  • Hong Kong vs. Falcone
  • Capture the Kitty
  • Family reveal

This was a great issue. I’m usually one for consistency and am not on board when they switch artists, but Batman Eternal has made fine decisions, and Guillem March this month is awesome. Oh, and John Layman? Nails it! Though Batman was the main character in the issue (as he should be), there was a great balance between his story and Catwoman’s.  Oh, and let me tell you about that twist at the end…


On second thought, just BUY IT.

Rating: 9/10

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