The new show’s slick CGI (computer generated images) gives viewers a modern and unique look at a young Bruce Wayne who initially is finding his feet in protecting Gotham against a host of villains. To ensure Batman keeps the streets safe he has help from his butler Alfred who is an ex-agent and the mysterious Katana who is deadly with her sword.
It’s important to mention that Beware the Batman also pulled in more viewers than shows that both preceded and followed it. DVR and PVR views are not included in the high level count of 700,000 either and usually they can increase the number by 5-10%.
The show originally aired on the Cartoon Network but was pulled (with no clear reason why) from its slot after season 1 which caused both controversy and a stir amongst Batman fans. With Toonami committing to the show they will now air 26 episodes.
Have any thoughts on the show, comment below and let us know what you think. The official ‘Beware the Batman’ forum can be found here.
source: worldsfinestonline