DC Comics Bombshell Variant Covers

DC Comics will feature Bombshell Variant Covers inspired by the 1940s and ’50s pinup style that was showcased by the DC Collectibles Bombshells statue line last year; artist Ant Lucia, designer of the statues, also worked on the Variant Covers, which will premiere in June, this summer.

Ant Lucia said:

I’m so proud of the work we’ve accomplished on the Bombshell line and very excited to see them become part of the cover series. It has been a privilege to work with the team at DC Collectibles and watch these develop.


Having my art on the cover of DC’s comic books has been a dream of mine since I was very young so this is particularly special to me.

The following list comprises the DC Comics that will have Bombshell Variants in June:

Action Comics #32

Detective Comics #32

Green Lantern #32

Batgirl #32

Batman #32

Green Lantern Corps #32

Justice League United #2

Superman/Wonder Woman #9

Batman and Ra’s al Ghul #32

Batman/Superman #12

Batwoman #32

Harley Quinn #7

Justice League #32

Red Hood and the Outlaws #32

Wonder Woman #32

Aquaman #32

Catwoman #32

Justice League Dark #32

Superman #32

The Flash #32

Pinups!  Get your pinups here!

Sources: USA Today, Newsarama

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