Unpublished Detective Comics #27 Cover For Sale

You might recall that Detective Comics vol 2 #27 was the big celebratory issue for Batman’s 75th birthday, used to showcase a recreation of the first ever Batman adventure, ‘The Case of the Chemical Syndicate” as well as many other adventures from Bat-writers both past and present. The issue was chosen specifically because of Batman’s first appearance in issue 27 of the original Detective Comics run, way back in 1939. It had a bunch of covers, done by Greg Capullo, Frank Miller, Chris Burnham, Jim Lee, Jason Fabok, and Tony S. Daniel. That’s six different variant covers that made it to print, for a once in a lifetime issue. It’s not every day Batman has a milestone birthday and you have a new volume of Detective Comics that’s just hitting an important issue, considering the last one lasted all the way until 2011.

Presumably, there were many covers that were left on the cutting room floor, ideas or images that just didn’t make the cut for this important issue. Thankfully, some of those covers will not be left in the dark, as Tony S. Daniel has put up one of his unused covers for the comic for sale. It’ll set you back about $900, but it is a piece of Bat-history. I also happen to think it looks really, really well done. Say what you will about Daniel as a writer on Batman, who’s run is pretty divisive among fans, but his art is always undeniably top notch. So if you got about a grand to drop on a Bat-cover, I’d urge you to act quickly before someone else buys it.

Source: ComicArtFans

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