Ben Affleck & “the Town” trainer Rehan Jalali reunite to create Batman

In 2010 Ben Affleck got into ripping shaping for his role in “The Town” and he did it with the help of highly regarded trainer Rehan Jalali. Batman vs Superman is coming out in 2015 and Ben Affleck is determined to take it to another level and get into the best shape he has ever been in. He has called Rehan Jalali back to help him transform his body to give us the ultimate Batman.

Rehan Jalali tweeted a photo of himself and Ben together making the statement, “Getting Batman more pumped than ever”. If that doesn’t get the Dark Knight fans pumped nothing will! There have been numerous reports that Ben has been very serious about getting into shape for the role of Batman, hitting the weights and starting to put on noticeable size. E’ Online reported late in 2013 Ben was asked to slow down in the gym as it was affecting his current work at the time.

















Ben Affleck stands in at 6’4 tall, and if he puts on the size that we think he will, we will be presented with the most physically intimidating Batman we have ever seen in a motion picture.

Just to remind you, this was Ben in “The Town”








Ben, eat as much chicken as you can and LIFT!

Source: , eonline

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