Beware The Batman Was Almost Batman Vs Superman?

Although the kid friendly Beware The Batman is drawing some negativity from fans and viewers, the show obviously was good enough that it got produced.  It was a product of good timing for Mitch Watson, producer of the show.  But what was it that came down the pipeline before it that just wasn’t the right time?  The answer might make you angry.

“It explored two guys in their early 20s as they were becoming heroes. That was the gist of the story. But there was just a feeling that although they really liked it, the timing for a Batman/Superman team-up show just didn’t feel right. Not yet.”  What the heck, DC?!  I give them the benefit of the doubt whenever people put them down for not doing what is pretty much logical but come on.  Arguably the most coveted of superhero team-ups and these guys just seem not willing to take a small chance (until recently) with these guys.  As much as movies put Denzel with some other young actor to team up, you would think two fictional guys on the small screen would work just as good.  But then again, “…they realize who each other is, and get on the right side and end up living in the same building.”  Ugh, this just is frustrating.  Is it really that hard to do this?


Source: Yahoo

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