Sources Deny Rumors of an Older Batman, Reveals Gotham City May be Featured in Man of Steel 2/Batman vs. Superman

Other sources close to the Man of Steel sequel/ Batman vs. Superman say that rumors of an older Batman are false. Click the jump to see more.

Last week, it was reported that that we were getting an older Batman that more towards his 40’s. We even got a list of candidates for the role that seemed to corroborate the claim. To me, it was disappointing news because I wasn’t interested in seeing a Dark Knight Returns-like relationship between the two for a movie that is supposed to set up for a Justice League movie and plus, why would ANYBODY want to watch an old Batman fight a young Superman? I was so hoping these rumors were just meant to mislead the masses and it looks like I may have a ray of hope.

Sources at DC Entertainment are outright denying the rumor of an older Batman, saying that the claims are  “definitely false,” with a second opinion confirming the refutation. The source claims that this new Batman will likely be in his 30’s. I want to celebrate this debunking, but considering how nothing has been confirmed by anybody, it’s hard to take anything seriously anymore. I really don’t know what to believe, but I guess it’s just another matter of wait-and-see. However, with this news, I am admittedly much more optimistic.

That same source continued with various other tidbits of production, claiming that David S. Goyer is currently working on the first draft of the script with it taking place about a year following the events of Man of Steel.

The big news for us Batfans is that, along with Metropolis, Gotham City may also be featured along with well-known Batman supporting characters Alfred and James Gordon. It’d be great to be able to see the juxtaposition between the vibrant, large, industrial, hopeful Metropolis with a dunk, bleak, crime-ridden city like Gotham put to live-action glory. Although I find it incredibly exciting that we may be able to see yet another incarnation of Gotham City, I have to worry about who’s going to be cast as Alfred and Gordon. This stress is far too much for me.

Once again, I have to reiterate that none of this has been confirmed by any official source, so don’t get ahead of yourself the way I did.

What do you think? Were you excited for an older Batman? Or do you believe a younger Batman is a way to go? Ready to see another Gotham City? Let me know.

Source – Cosmic Book News


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