Beware The Batman Ep. 4: Safe Review

If you have yet to see this episode, two things. First, you’re missing out! Second, be warned of possible spoilers.


In my opinion, this episode was the best of the lot. So far. And if the improvement continues happening with each episode, then I think we’ve got a great series unfolding in front of our eyes. This episode, the 4th of the series, shows us yet another new face to the ever-growing list of villains: The Silver Monkey.

We also find out that Katana – Bruce Wayne’s live-in bodyguard – has a past with The Silver Monkey. (bum bum bum…) We don’t hear too much of their relationship, other than it’s not on the healthy side, and she “dishonored” the League of Assassins, while also stealing the famous Soul Taker sword. Katana has also earned herself a crush from Dr. Burr.

I liked that there was a bit more color. Granted, it was in the form of an explosion or two, but it made the scenery less dark for a few scenes. The humor aspect was good too. I got a giggle or two from Dr. Burr and Katana’s interactions. The emotions on the faces of the characters have improved a bit as well. Overall, I think this episode has already come leaps and bounds from the first episode. I would like to know who the mysterious woman, Lady Sheeva, The Silver Monkey was talking to is, though. I’m looking forward to the next episode! What about you? Do you feel this cartoon is a little more promising than you may have thought at first? Or is it a total waste of time? Let us know!

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