OXM Takes Us Down The Rabbit Hole

The latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine has begun arriving in homes and it brings quite the Arkham Origins treat, as the game is its feature.

Jervis Tetch, better known as The Mad Hatter, will be making a return as part of the game’s “Most Wanted” side missions.

While they danced a bit around the subject, the developers did talk about how Arkham City‘s Mad Hatter presence was loved but had some issues. What this means is unclear, but what is clear is that Hatter will be bringing along those goofy rabbit henchmen that I just couldn’t wait to pummel.

Arkham Origins certainly seems to be shaping up to be quite the game, but what do you think? Are you excited? What other characters would you like to see return, or make there Arkham universe debut?

Source – Arkhamverse Forum


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