No New Batman Movie On the Horizon Yet

After Nolan’s Batman trilogy was finished, we all kind of  had the same question on our mind. “Well, now that the trilogy is done, when are they going to reboot the series?” Rebooting seems to happen a lot these days, and so we’ve all been quietly waiting for any news about a new Batman movie in development. According to an inside source close to Warner Bros, everything that happens from here on out hinges on Man of Steel succeeding or not. Batman is already an established well selling movie franchise, beyond maybe Batman & Robin,  and so if Man of Steel does well enough, DC may decide to go the Marvel route and focus on other super heroes for a while. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, all these characters must be given their own movie or some kind of spotlight if there is to be a Justice League movie, as well as a way to help Warner Brothers make more money. They need more hero properties to rival Marvel’s juggernaut of a cinematic universe.

So this article leaves us with a few kernels of information. If Man of Steel does well, it will open the door to more movies with Batman in it, specifically something like Superman vs Batman,  Justice League, a Superman and Batman team up film, etc. That said, there doesn’t seem to be an individual Batman movie planned at the moment after the Dark Knight Rises ended the Nolan trilogy last year.  Some fans might be relieved, as they’d want a breather from Batman films after a good eight years of the last trilogy, giving us time to obsessed over other DC films that are being released. Others might be wary of a Batman reboot without Christopher Nolan, as well, who helped to reinvigorate the franchise after the previously mentioned Batman & Robin that killed the franchise for a while.  I suppose we’ll see whether or not Batman will appear on the silver screen again soon once the numbers are in for Man of Steel.

Source: The Wrap

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