Bats Takes the Lead in May Comic Sales

Our favorite Knight in shiny spandex has been busy lately with his comic book sales. According to

BATMAN #20 continued the popular comic book’s three-month reign as the top-selling DC Entertainment periodical…

For those who haven’t been keeping up with the comics, either due to a brief break in sanity or lack of funds (both are acceptable), Batman #20 ends off the caped crusader’s two-part battle with Clayface, and will help ease us into this month’s release of Zero Year. Superman may end up snagging the lead for a bit, what with his new movie and a comic book to boot, but have no fear Bat fans. Snyder’s been good to us, and he’s got plenty more in store.


Think Batman can hold his #1 spot against the Man of Steel? Let us know in the comments, or head on over to our Facebook or Twitter and let us know your thoughts!



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