Rumor: Another Death In The Bat-Family Soon

No! Anyone but Dick Grayson! Come on DC! Not after you took Damian too!

Villain’s month is approaching, the event that’ll be taking place through the major DC titles throughout the month of September. It’s like those Final Crisis tie ins where it was villian centric titles for a month or so. Heroes will fall, Villains will rise, but who’s going to make it out of this one alive? Who isn’t? According to Dan Didio, he can’t promise everyone is going to make it out of this event alive. But who’s gonna die? Well, rumor has it that it’ll be Nightwing. You might recall when Dan Didio tried to kill off Nightwing for Infinite Crisis, as he wanted another one of the Big Three to lose a sidekick during this Crisis event like Supergirl’s death in Crisis on Infinite Earths, but this was vetoed in favor of killing off another Superman sidekick, Superboy. Has he come back to finish the job? Didio says that if you’re going to do an event, there has to be consequences for it, and that there’ll be repercussions in the DCnU. One of their most recognizable heroes will be affected in a ‘dramatic way’. Well, that leaves the big Three, like Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. This also can apply to some other fan favorites like the Flash, Aquaman, and the rest of the Justice League roster. However, Bleeding Cool has from a decent source that Nightwing will be the one to bite the bullet. I’m not sure though, especially so soon after Damian has died, that would DC would take another Bat-family member. Will the second dynamic duo finally be reunited in the afterlife? Or is this really not about death, but about changes to the mythos? Either way, rumors are floating around that things don’t look so good for the former Boy Wonder. Anyhow, it’s just a rumor, so take it with a grain of salt. We’ll see whether or not it’s true, this September.

Source: Bleeding Cool

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