First Look at Batman #21 – ZERO YEAR


Obviously the most important release in the current Batman universe, Batman #21 (the first issue in the 11-part Zero Year arc) will be released Wednesday, June 12th. But to tide all of the fans over until then, writer Scott Snyder has released the first three pages of this groundbreaking issue in DC Comics’ New 52. In an interview, Snyder said:

“Yeah, the fun of it is, you will open the book, and see from Page 1, 2 and 3, and 4, how different it is from Year One.”

Artist Greg Capullo also had a few things to say about the Zero Year story:

“I can only tell you I never expected to be drawing Gotham as Scott has it written in the first issue. Within the first five pages of the first script, I was like WTF! You know, what is going on in this thing? …You’re going to close it back up and look at the cover to make sure you picked up the right book!”

This has already excited me even more, but now for the real gold: the first few pages of the issue!



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SOURCE: New York Post

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