Zack Snyder Will Proably Direct Jusitce League..IF It Gets Greenlit

According to the latest issue of Empire Magazine (with Superman on the cover) and  Zack Snyder’s buddy Gangster Squad director Ruben Fleischer who last week let slip when he was asked if he was still in the running to direct Justice League:

Well that’s something that Zack Snyder is going to wind up doing.

The Empire article then has the following. That basically if Man Of Steel does really well, they will green-light Justice League and most likely get Zack Snyder to direct.

Both filmmakers know the proof will finally be in the watching, but there are rumblings about the breakfast counters of rival studios that Man Of Steel is turning out very well indeed. Plans are being hatched, they say. Warner Bros.’ long-term view has been revised to embrace this new vision, just as the Dark Knight films resisted the com-modification of Marvel. Whether we get a Justice League, they say, depends on Man Of Steel. If we do, they say, Zack Snyder will be asked to direct.

Source: Empire

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