Batman Autombilia Collection #01-#21 revealed

Eaglemoss Publications has had some great releases of Batman collectibles from the DC Superheroes Collections to the DC Chess Collection with a Batman set.  The Batman Automobila collection is another great collection.  Each release is encased in plastic with the vehicle and a background setting.  Recently #11-#20 have been revealed to this collection:

1) Tim Burton’s Batman (1989)
2) Classic (1966) TV Series
3) Batman Begins Tumbler (2005)
4) Batman Forever (1995)
5) Detective Comics #400 (1970)
6) Detective Comics #156 (1950)
7) Batman #575 (2000)
8) Batman: The Animated Series (1992)
9) Batman #5 (1941)
10) Batman #311 (1979)
11) The Dark Knight Batpod (2008)
12) Detective Comics #27 (1939)
13) Detective Comics #601 (1989)
14) Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008)
15) Batman & Robin #1 (2009)
16) Batman & Robin Movie (1997)
17) Jokermobile: Batman #37 (1946)
18) The Batman Animated Series (2004)
19) Detective Comics #371 (1968)
20) Batman #652 (2006)
21) Detective Comics #456 (1976)

Here are some images of the #10-#21 part of the collection:

So what to you think of this collection?  Have you bought any of the Batmobiles so far?

Comment down below, DKN Facebook, or DKNewsCom.

Source: BatBlog

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