New gimmick to get sales up, there will be a villains’ month this coming September 2013. Who will be the spotlit villains for your favorite Batman characters? Click the jump to see more.

According to what happened in Emerald City Comic Con 2013, there will always be something special for September. Why is that? More readers, new readers, new gimmicks to get sales who knows. This September 2013, DC books will be focusing on a specific villain, possibly one new to the title. Both new villains and old villains will be reintroduced to get readers excited for what’s to come with their back story and challenge against their heroes. As for the Batman books, Batgirl and Nightwing will have Ventriloquist and The Prankster, as their villains for upcoming so expect to see their faces for this September. You can see the statement about what’s going on with the month of September:

Batgirl #21 cover: Ventriloquist

DC New 52: Villains Omnibus
In September 2013, evil took over, as every title in the DC Universe published special new #1s featuring the villains of the DC Universe, collected here in a massive hardcover edition.

A giant-size, hardcover omnibus collection of the special “villains issues” published line-wide in September 2013, spotlighting the greatest villains of the DCU.

The New 52 is currently running at fifty regular monthly comics for two months in a row. By July, there will be no Batman Inc, in which the title will end at Issue #13. So, will these villains’ book become the new books to help out with the cancellations of old ones? According to Bleeding Cool, the retailer reports there will be fifty-six issues for Villains Month in September.


Source- Bleeding Cool 

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