Live-Action Batman Movie Villains Marching To Trouble in These Animated Gifs

A few days back, I saw these fantastic animated gifs comb the Interwebz and just now noticed that nobody happened to post them here. Well, I guess I have the privilege of treating you guys to a wonderful gif-filled post. It seems in time for the 20th anniversary of Batman Returns, artist Rafa Toro decided to celebrate the occasion with some whimsical animated gifs showcasing the villains marching presumably to all sorts of trouble, via his official Tumblr. Does he stop there? Nope, this talented artist decided to render every live-action Batman villain projected on the big screen. That means we have both Jokers, both Catwomans, both Banes, both Two-Faces, Penguin, Riddler, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Ra’s Al Ghul and his daughter Talia. They’re very fun, detailed, and mesmerizing.

Take a look:




How do you feel about these gifs? Are they accurately portrayed? Which is your favorite? I’m particularly partial to the two different versions we got for the Batman Returns villains. Let me know.

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Source – Rafa Toro (via io9)

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