Warner Bros. Donates DC Memorabilia

Over at Variety they posted up a story where Warner Bros . donated more than 30 props & artifacts from superhero movies , to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington . Among some of the items were the Batman cowl worn by George Clooney in the 1997 movie . Superman’s cape that Christopher Reeves wore in the 1983 film , and Halle Berry’s  Catwoman costume and props .

“Films are an integral part of this culture and of our daily lives, shaping how we perceive ourselves as Americans. The legacy of Warner Bros. is an important part of American history and these objects help us to tell that story,” said John Gray, director of the Smithsonian. Following the donation, the museum will host the Bette Davis Film Festival this weekend. Featuring the iconic actress in Warner Bros. titles such as “Jezebel” and “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” the film fest is part of the museum’s Classic Film Festival Series and will commemorate Women’s History Month. The studio is also loaning objects from the films shown such as Jack Warner’s personal script of “Baby Jane,” which will be displayed in the Smithsonian’s entertainment exhibit, “You Must Remember This.”

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Source – Variety

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