LEGO Batman: The Movie: DC Super Heroes Unite Premieres At New York’s Paley Center

Over at MTV Geek they posted up a story where TT Animation and Warner Brothers are giving people in New York a special screening on February 11 at the Paley Center of the upcoming movie ” Lego Batman: The Movie: DC Super Heroes Unite ” which comes out on DVD, Blu-ray, May 21 .

In advance of its DVD and Blu-ray release in May, TT Animation and Warner Brothers are giving New York the first look at the animated feature based on the “LEGO Batman” games.


The screening will take place on February 11 at the Paley Center at 6:30, followed by a Q&A with the cast and the film’s director, Jon Burton.

The feature, based on the second “LEGO Batman” from TT Games, sees Lex Luthor (Clancy Brown) attempting to one-up Batman/Bruce Wayne (Troy Baker) by enlisting the help of the Joker to cause a bunch of ruckus with his black block-destroying ray. Suddenly, Batman finds himself needing the help of the other heroes of the DCU (including Superman, naturally) to take on this menace.

From the official synopsis:

LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Superheroes Unite provides the ultimate blend of action and humor guaranteed to entertain fanboys of all ages.

The film finds Lex Luthor taking jealousy to new heights when fellow billionaire Bruce Wayne wins the Man of the Year Award. To top Wayne’s accomplishment, Lex begins a campaign for President – and to create the atmosphere for his type of fear-based politics, he recruits the Joker to perfect a Black LEGO Destructor Ray. While wreaking havoc on Gotham, Lex successfully destroys Batman’s technology – forcing the Caped Crusader to reluctantly turn to Superman for help.

LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Superheroes Unite features the definitive voice of Lex Luthor, Clancy Brown (The Shawshank Redemption, SpongeBob SquarePants). In addition to Baker and Willingham, the cast includes Christopher Smith (Mortal Combat vs. DC Universe) as the Joker, and Charlie Schlatter (Diagnosis Murder) in a hilarious turn as the voice of Robin.

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Source- MTV Geek

– Adam Prince

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