Star Wars loss is Justice League’s gain. Is it? You be the judge. Click the jump to see what’s up in the Justice League rumor world that’s circulating around Matthew Vaughn.

News broke out today that J. J. Abrams will be directing the new movie for Star Wars. However, Vaughn had his eyes set on directing Star Wars too, but it went to the Jedi master, Abrams. Sadness…for Vaughn. Still he has his eyes set on directing something that should be released in theaters by 2015. According to some sources via Twitter, owner of Latino-Review and Marc Graser of Variety have tweeted these:




So can Vaughn be aiming for a movie that will be launching in 2015? Hmmm…I wonder what that might be? Oh wait, there is fanboys & fangirls. It’s *fanfare* Justice League! The DC superhero team movie that’s supposed to be up against The Avengers 2 in 2015. Wow! Since Vaughn is free to take a 2015 movie release, why not Justice League because it seriously needs help with Will Beall on script and maybe Vaughn can tweak Beall’s dialogue, story plot, and just about everything else to make this movie shine bright. If you don’t know who Matthew Vaughn is, he’s the guy who directed Kick-Ass (2010) and X-Men: First Class (2011). He doesn’t have a bad roster, but do you think he would be “The One” to help the Justice League movie out

As always, this is purely rumor until it has been confirmed, but for fan discussion comment down below, DKN Facebook, or DKNewsCom.

Source-  Latino Review & Marc Graser via Cosmic Book News 

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