The Talon is in and the Birds are saying “out.” Birds of Prey #16 preview, click the jump to see more.

PLOT:  The team gets a deadly new member in the form of Strix, a former Talon from the Court of Owls! Who is she and what does her appearance mean for the rest of the Birds? Plus: Something goes terribly wrong for Black Canary…

Issue #16 will be the last issue for the current writer, Duane Swierczynski, hopefully whoever picks up the comic book title after this will keep up the fun and suspense. For right now, Christy Marx (writer of Sword of Sorcery) is supposed to be the new writer which will probably be a rushed next issue for Marx so don’t expect a coherent one at that. The addition of Mary (Talon) who will be named as Strix is a nice fit becaus she brings a huge amont of uncertain to the team. It’s always good to have a wild card on a team!

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Source- IGN 

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