“Death of a Family” will come to a close by Issue #17 of Batman, so what can we look forward to after story arc? Click the jump to find out.

Scott Snyder (writer of Batman) held an interview with the women of DC Women Kicking Ass. Basically, after Issue #17 you will be getting an interlude where Bruce/Batman will be dealing with the aftermath of “Death of a Family.” Here’s what Snyder had to say:

As far as for Batman following a wrap of Death of a Family in #17 (a “30 page monster”), #19 and 20 will be a two parter. Issue #21 will begin what he called “our most ambitious story yet” which will be “Court of Owls sized” which will feature the Riddler. He also noted by ambitious “this isn’t something insane like bringing Batman’s family back in a spaceship.” The issue, he said, will tie to the 0 issue.

So, we’ll get back to Issue #0 with the Red Hood Gang huh? Not bad at all, it should also be noted that Harper Row will also be featured in Batman again. Yups, our lovable original character by Snyder will be found in Issue #17-#20. What will Harper Row’s role be in Bruce/Batman’s recovery from “Death of a Family?” Let’s hope it’s a good one because rumor has it that Damian will be dying at the end of “Death of a Family,” which will open a spot up for a new Robin. People are assuming and speculating that Harper Row will become the next Robin. Who knows, let’s hope Damian doesn’t get killed off because that would suck to high heaven. Damian Wayne (Robin) has come a long way from being a huge bratty kid to a more lovable killer character. Peter Tomasi (writer of Batman & Robin) has humanized Damian so much and that took a lot of work to bring to the pages, it would be sad to see Damian go. Anyway, Harper seems to become another major character in Snyder’s Batman universe so let’s see what he can bring.


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Source- DC Women Kicking Ass 

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