Over at Collider  actor Josh Brolin spoke about Spike Lee’s planned remake of the movie of  Oldboys . Josh didn’t have a lot to say to Collider when they asked him about being in the potential Justice League film .

You have a great relationship with Warner Brothers, they’re going to do Justice League for 2015, have had any sort of conversation about being a part of that?

Brolin: No.  We’ve got other conversations and if that conversation comes up I’ll have a conversation with anybody about anything.  There’s nothing that I don’t like.  Somebody said recently that I’m not a big-budget guy.

Josh Brolin has done comic book characters before such as DC Comics Jonah Hex , Agent K from MIB 3 and is set to have a role in the next upcoming Sin City movie hitting theaters October 4 2013 titled  Sin City : A Dame to Kill For . I know he has great chops for pulling off comic characters but if Warner Brothers would ask him to be apart of the film who would they likely cast him to portray ? Batman would be the only one that would come to my mind because of how he carries himself or maybe just maybe Harvey Bullock . I really don’t see him talking to fish or see him green . What do you think he could be if anything at all ?

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Source- Collider 


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