Batwoman has been on a long epic journey that has lasted 17 issues, Click the jump to see what’s next for Batwoman.

Since 2011, Batwoman has been on an epic journey of becoming a legend in Gotham City and planting a flag in the world of superheroes. For the last 17 issues, she has been dealing with the paranormal so far it’s an interesting approach to the noir character. Now for 2013, Haden W. Blackman (co-writer of Batwoman) and J.H. Williams III (co-writer and part-time artist Batwoman) are grounding Batwoman this time around. Here’s what you should expect for Batwoman in 2013:

  • Shorter story arcs lasting from 5-6 issues long
  • Expect the stories to be personal for Batwoman
  • There might be more point of view story telling
  • Mr. Freeze will be making an appearance in Batwoman

For one, it’s a good move to make shorter story arcs because a whole year’s worth of telling the same story was a buzz killer. The “Hydrology” story just kept going on and going on, although, it was an interesting story that seemed to go deeper every issue. It was just too long for readers to continue reading. One must remember that the attention span is quite short. Personal stories for Batwoman would be necessary to ground the character more, since the whole last year was dedicated to making her a legendary superhero in The New 52 Universe. For all of 2012, some felt that Batwoman was going too beyond Gotham City and readers have also felt that they weren’t able to connect to her character. Basically, Mr. Freeze will become a great reference point for Batwoman to be connected to the Batman universe again as well as for readers to identify her in the Bat-family. So, it’s a good move but the story has to be decent enough for readers to believe and know that she exists in this universe.

It’s good to see Trevor McCarthy return to Batwoman, he brings a kind of noir appeal to the comic book title. However, McCarthy’s work is rather heavy and bulky and sometimes Batwoman loses that sleek and elegant appeal of herself in in his work. For those who enjoy his artwork, more power to you. I don’t fault McCarthy for have style, I appreciate it and he also brings a mystical appeal to the character as well.

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Source- CBR 

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