It’s Issue #16 of Detective Comics and it’s “Death of a Family” time, Joker should be raiding this comic book title. Click the jump to see more.

PLOT: • A “Death of the Family” tie-in issue! As The Joker continued to wreak havoc on The Dark Knight and his allies, Batman is forced to cut a deal with The Penguin … One That will come back to haunt Both of Them When a new villain interfered! And in the backup story, Ignatius Ogivly usurps The Penguin’s throne and Decides to lead the underworld crimelords in The Penguin’s place.

Penguin’s second in command has become the “Emperor Penguin,” so where is The Penguin? What will Ignatius Ogivly (Emperor Penguin) do in Gotham City while The Penguin is away? Big questions for this comic book title, John Layman (current writer of Detective Comics) must really be stepping up his game in Issue #16 with “Death of a Family” tie in. We’ll see if Layman puts out for fans to munch on.  

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Source- CBR 

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