Warner Bros. Vs. Custom-Built Batmobiles Continues

Hey guys Adam here with a interesting story . I don’t know if you remember on one of the podcasts we talked about a company that makes batmobiles . Well over at the Hollywood Reporter website they posted up a story where Warner Bros. continues their lawsuit against Mark Towle , who operates Gotham Garage, for customizing replica batmobiles . Here is a preview of the story:

Warner Bros. is pushing a challenging lawsuit against a California resident named Mark Towle, who operates Gotham Garage, which specializes in customizing replicas of automobiles featured in various films and TV shows. Towle has sold two replicas of the Barris-designed automobile — one Batmobile sold for $90,000 and the other for $80,000. He has also sold a replica of another version of the Batmobile from the 1989 Batman film.

For selling these cars, Towle is now defending a nearly two-year-old lawsuit that he has violated copyright and trademarks owned by Warner subsidiary DC Comics. The case is provocative. Last week, both sides submitted motions for partial summary judgment. The plaintiff attempts to score a win by arguing that copyright protection extends to the overall look and feel of the Batmobile and that Towle has violated its exclusive rights of reproduction and distribution.

But Towle has refused to back down, and in court papers, wonders what might come about if DC Comics is able to prevail.

“This is a very important case that has far-reaching implications,” says Towle’s motion. “While it is true that this case is ostensibly about the Batmobile, which some may find to be trivial, the fact is that the issues that will be decided will have a significant impact on automobile makers and manufacturers.”


I hope Mark Towle wins so he can keep making cars for those who can afford them . If you want to see his work check him out over at Gotham Garage Facebook page . For the rest of the story head over to the source .

– Adam Prince

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Source –  Hollywood Reporter

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