Gail Simone Back On Batgirl!

Gail Simone fans out there, I believe if you have been talking about wanting Gail back on the Batgirl then your voices were heard . Over at Comic Book Resources they posted up the story where writer Gail Simone makes a triumphant return with May’s issue #20.

After being dismissed from the New 52 title starring Barbara Gordon earlier this month, the writer today announced via Twitter and Tumblr that DC Comics have welcomed her back to the book.

“I Know Who The Next Writer On Batgirl Is…and her name is ME!” Simone wrote on the latter. “I am typing this on a snowy road, cell service is about to disappear, I know everyone has a million questions, but…BATGIRL, baby!

“Thank you to DC for this privilege, and a million thank yous to everyone who wanted to see this happen. I am ECSTATIC.”

Presumably, writer Ray Fawkes’ planned two-issue fill-in on “Batgirl” will proceed as planned, meaning Simone will return to the ongoing with May’s issue #20.

To see what Gail Simone had tweeted click the Twitter  .

Source – CBR

– Adam Prince

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