Gail Simone (writer of Batgirl) has been pulled off the Batgirl title. What are some of the reactions to this issue? Click the jump to see more.

Since last week, Batman and Batgril comic book fans found out that Gail Simone (writer of Secret Six, Birds of Prey, and The New 52’s Batgirl) was pulled off of Batgirl by new Batgirl editor, Brian Smith. The reactions to Simone’s departure has been nothing more than supportive of the writer. Some Batgirl fans were heart broken by the sudden departure and are trying to tweet “return Simone back on Batgirl.” All this love for Simone is beautiful, but fear not Simone has stated this to her supportive fans:

“Little Update, guys: First again, I don’t know what to say to all the support. It is genuinely inexplicable and kind. I lack words to say. I have heard from almost all the big publishers and some of the small press folks, and some game companies. Lot of fun stuff on the table. Have also have heard from the higher ups at DC and they have been very kind and have made it clear that things went awry and want…others projects from me. So it is going to be a very different year, but things are going to work out, I am convinced. New challenges.”

So, not all is lost for Simone with DC Comics right now. What should be noted is that Simone is a good writer and her talents shouldn’t go to waste. There is a rumor flying around that Scott Snyder had something to do with her departure. But…that’s false. According to Simone, Snyder has been the biggest supporter of Simone and here’s what Simone has stated about Snyder:



No one could have seen this departure coming, but anyway. Simone is gone and her last issue will be Batgirl #16. The next writer to take over Batgirl will be Ray Fawkes (writer of Justice League Dark) who will be writing for the comic book title for two issues. If his writing is good for the title, he might stay on longer.

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Source- Gail Simone


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