November marks the beginning of Joker’s reign over all the Batman comic books especially in Suicide Squad #14, Batgirl #14, and Batman & Robin #14. Click the jump to read the quick reviews.

SUICIDE SQUAD #14: In Issue #14 of Suicide Squad, it begins with the Joker meeting up with Harley who is overjoyed that Joker is back. However, he’s not lovely dovey about seeing Harley. It wasn’t shocking to see Joker punch the crap out of Harley. Neither was it shocking to see Harley take the hit so well, it just solidifies the fact that relationship is abusive. Adam Glass (writer of Suicide Squad) really didn’t stand up to the shock value that Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV (writers of Batman #13 back-up featuring Harley Quinn and Joker) left last month. Of course, once you get pass the intermission of reading the rest the Suicide Squad issue. You get that shock value from Glass who shows Joker hanging Harley Quinn by the end of the issue. Joker knows that Harley isn’t the same ole masochistic girlfriend he left a year ago. She’s different and has changed, which would piss any sadistic boyfriend off. Especially, when she pulled a gun to his head from destroying her dead infatuation, Deadshot; yeah, she has moved on.

Chiefly, we’re looking forward to Issue #15 of Suicide Squad to see if Joker will actually kill her. Probably not, but a reader can dream. It was decent issue, it just didn’t have the same wow effect. The Joker portrayed in this issue seemed too feminine. The Joker is a skinny dude, but really he looked like a transvestite in a mechanics’ jump suit. No offense, he did appear that way. Eh, you can’t win in a crossover you’ll just have to read Batman to get the full effect.

BATMAN & ROBIN#14:  Peter Tomasi (writer of Batman & Robin) is really hitting hard on the father-son bond. It’s supposed to be important for this book because this is something that Tomasi has been trying to build since Issue #1. Tomasi has successfully achieved the bonding between Damian and Bruce. Damian held onto something that Bruce holds dear to him, his mother’s pearls. Yup, it was beautiful moment shared between them. What in the world did it mean? Care…empathy…sympathy? I don’t know, but it was beautiful to see Bruce be a father to Damian and Damian trying to be a son to Bruce.

As for the story, it’s hogwash. The zombie rampage was held by “The Saturn Club” that drinks blood and wear cloaks. I still have no clue who these guys are or why they’re important. You really shouldn’t put much thought into the plot of this issue because it’ll only just confuse you. Tomasi is more of a character developing writer than a plot driven, so don’t play close attention to the situation. What you should get out of this issue is that Damian is becoming more lovable as a character and he’s holding a place in readers’ hearts. This issue also sets up the Joker who might have orchestrated “The Saturn Club,” but as I have said before don’t think too much of it.

BATGIRL #14: Gail Simone (writer of Batgirl) doesn’t hit a home run with this issue. She is another character developing writer, so the plot is just going to confuse the hell out of you. Please, please, please don’t pay attention to the situation. It was a enjoy to see Barbara overcome her fear of the Joker and beat the crap out of those thugs who were recreating The Killing Joke. Simone might have found her sea legs in this issue as she makes Barbara appear more bad ass and less brainy. Of course, Simone is the queen of voice-over narration so you’re reading a lot of what Barbara is thinking. It’s no fun to read someone’s thoughts while they’re fighting because you want to take in the fight scenes.

The issue was thrilling and the Joker was as every bit scary as he was supposed to be. Thanks to Ed Benes (current artist of Batgirl) for making this possible and also thank you Benes for making Barbara look great semi-naked while kicking ass. The shock value in this issue was when the Joker proposed to Batgirl using her mother’s ring finger with a diamond ring on it. SHOCKER! It was scary and well…beautifully grotesque. Simone is really finding her sea legs with Batgirl. 


Check out some of the panels that I thought were cool.

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