Tumbler Tour Uannounced Stop in Nashville Tennesse

Well everyone knows that the Tumbler Tour has been making its final rounds showing off all the batmobiles before The Dark Knight Rises hits the stores December 4 th , but it is really annoying to me that they showed up last night in Nashville Tennessee at a Best Buy parking lot without even announcing it on their Tumbler Tour page . Poor planning and advertising as far as I’m concerned . As you can see from some of the pictures there was hardly anyone at this event . DKN’s Batman was not able to be there but good news is that our friends from The Show stopped by and gave us  some pictures . So if you haven’t seen them enjoy .

I would like to thank Maco Man Mike , Showgirl Brooklyn , Adam , and J. Patrick for getting me these pictures to show Dark Knight News .

Source – The Show via FaceBook

– Adam Prince

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