STORY PLOT:The League takes on a villain destined to be one of the greatest threats to the DC Universe in the year ahead – the mysterious Cheetah! But who is she? What is her connection to Wonder Woman? And how will this fundamentally change the relationships within the team? Plus: The next chapter of the SHAZAM! backup epic by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank!

YES! Issue #0 of Justice League was super cool, I’m totally a fan of Billy Batson or Shazam as he is called now! Anyway, new story arc after “Journey of a Villain” we are now going to be doing another story arc featuring Cheetah as the new villain. This should be cool, but a little confusing because I can’t see Cheetah being that much of a big villain for the League. Also, I believe we’re going to to see the continuation of the Wonder Woman and Superman romance. So STOKED!

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Source- Entertainment Weekly 

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