Michael Uslan Set To Receive Degree in Comic Books

Not just any old type of degree, a Ph.D!  So baller.  For those of you who don’t know, Uslan has been a executive producer on Batman films since ’89 and is the author of the book The Boy Who Loved Batman.  Uslan will receive his doctrine Wednesday from Mommouth University in New Jersey.  President Paul G. Gaffney II of said that they chose Uslan to be the first to gain this prestigious honor because he worked for decades “establishing comic books as an important element of American art and culture.

This is not only huge for him, but for everyone involved in comic books one way or another. Given the rise of comic books in movies and in their own medium, it’s finally becoming something that is more widely accepted in todays world, and something more than childish things.


Source: Shockya

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