Since the release of the Issue 15 covers for the Batman Comics, Jason Fabok who is lead artist for Detective Comics came out with his notes on the issue cover. The notes are detailed with his notes as well as a hint at what’s to come for Batman in Detective Comics #15. Here’s what Fabok says about Issue 15:

Things really start to heat up in this issue.  I also get to draw Clayface which has been fun. Also, notice the Joker cards?  He comes into play in this issue.  Lots of fun stuff ahead!  Check out the finished cover black and whites.

See the detailed work of Jason Fabok’s awesome work down below.

What will Clayface’s role be in Detectice Comics #15? Is he working for Poison Ivy or will he be a pawn in one of Joker’s schemes to get Batman?

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Source- Jason Fabok’s blogspot

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