RATING: Enjoyable Issue, read while you’re waiting for something/someone. 

Late review, sorry guys. Since my DKN day has been changed to Tuesdays; I can probably focus more on my comic reviews plus other little exclusive for DKN, before  the weekend hits or during the weekend. Without further ado, Teen Titans #12. 


I will continue to say this, I prefer Scott Lobdell on Teen Titans than I do on Red Hood and the Outlaws. I don’t know, but fee like he captures the teenage characters more than the twenty-something year olds. It seems Lobdell stays within the boundaries of Teen Titans and on Red Hood he goes off on a real spin. Or it could be that I really enjoy reading Lobdell’s work with Brett Booth’s drawings. Damn! I’m playing favorites! Booth, if you’re reading this you need to get into Red Hood & The Outlaws as an artist like now! Booth continues to design a phenomenal book. I find myself feeling what the characters feel straight from the comic book. I enjoyed the humor that Lobdell brings out in situations where Superboy saves Red Robin and they’re arguing about if Red Robin is hitting on Wonder Girl in her given state of body possession. I had a good ole laugh with that one.

Wonder Girl & Silent Armor

Booth captured the pain from ripping Wonder Girl from the silent armor, I totally felt that from his work. Booth did well with showing Diesel’s (Wonder Girl’s “boyfriend”) scars on his forearms where the silent armor as penetrated his skin from overuse. Absolutely great portrayal! From what I am understanding is that the rest of the Teen Titans are splitting up slowly. I do believe that Red Robin should get his own comic book to grow as a character. We should know that Superboy is not staying with the Teen Titans much longer since he will be with The Ravagers. The Ravagers will be coming out this September in Issue #0, which DKN will not be covering unless there is a Batman family member part of that book. Sorry guys! I am excited to see how Red Robin will stop Wonder Girl from running after Diesel who has the silent armor on now. Truly suspenseful!

Check out some of the panels that I thought were cool.

Comment down below, DKN Facebook, or DKNewsCom about what you thought of Teen Titans #12. Do you think that Red Robin should get his own comic book? Will you be reading The Ravagers? How do you like Scott Lobdell on Teen Titans and Red Hood? 

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