RATING: Back Burner Issue, read it when you’re bored.
I think I like my name for Catwoman’s villain, Dollhouse, whom I’ve been calling Raggedy Anne. Truth be told, I really don’t like this whole story arc with Dollhouse, and I am glad that this crap is over. This will be Judd Winick’s (writer) last issue, but he will also be doing Catwoman #0 before he leaves Catwoman. Bye, Winick. You did swell.
For Issue #12, we picked up from where we left off with Detective Alvarez being kidnapped by
I can’t deny that I did like the plot of Dollhouse’s scheme to clean the souls of prostitutes and runaways. It had a nice concept, it just didn’t pull through. The fact that Winick tried to tie Catwoman with Detective Comics that was impressive and it made me want to re-read that issue. Read the Catwoman #12 to find out which issue in Detective Comics they referred to. Catwoman’s intel partner, Gwen, is proving to be a force not be reckoned with and I have always liked her character. Now, it seems that Gwen will be dealing with more than she can handle in future issues of Catwoman. I wonder how Catwoman will react to Gwen’s new approach on how to handle their theft business?
As for the artwork by Adriana Melo, I had to look her up and see her work. I mean I can understand if this was a rush job because Guillem March left before the“Dollhouse” story arc finished. I haven’t been too happy with the artwork; the fighting sequences seem too choppy. The panels were too conventional making the art direction for a reader want to go into bored
Check out some panels I thought was cool down below.
Do you think Melo will pull through in future issues of Catwoman? What will Ann Nocenti bring to the table? What did you think of this issue of Catwoman? Comment down below, DKN Facebook, or DKNewsCom.