Batgirl #12 is coming out on August 8th where Batwoman will be premiering to duke it out with Batgirl, which to me is like WHAT?! It’s the Battle of the Redheads. I love my fair share of redheads whether they’re fake or real, I love seeing them. Here are some thoughts on Issue #12 with Batwoman and Batgirl from Gail Simone:

It was redhead heaven, actually. Like everyone else with any sense at all, I’m a huge fan of the character, and everything J.H. [Williams] and Greg [Rucka] have accomplished. And they were both incredibly generous and supportive to let us borrow her.

I’ve heard a few times that the two characters are similar, because they’re both bat-females with red hair. I’m telling you, two panels in, you know they are completely different.

And man, I have to give props to the art team because Ardian does an astonishingBatwoman. She looks like she stepped out of the pages of her own book. I just got the colored pages this morning and I’ve been staring at them slack-jawed like a complete doofus. They are gorgeous. People are going to be surprised…Kate and Barbara! I love that.

Batgirl’s new archenemy, Knightfall brings a new class of villainy to the DC Comics world that Brett Booth designed for Simone. The character shows a bit of a fallen Joan of Arc. Here’s what Simone has to say about Knightfall:

Knightfall by Brett Booth

Knightfall is something new, Gotham’s first princess, really. She’s experienced something so horrific that it can never be undone, and she has the kind of resources that make Bruce Wayne so dangerous and effective. And the worst thing is,

her motivations are closer to the bat-family’s than any of them would like to admit. It’s her methods that are so creepily awful. In the first issue, her lieutenants, the Disgraced, set a bear trap for car thieves…they actually amputate one of the thieves’ leg.

That is not something Barbara is mentally prepared for. Gotham’s been a pretty male-dominated place, even with Batgirl and Catwoman and the Huntress. Knightfall changes that dynamic. 

So basically, what we can look forward to is Batwoman vs. Batgirl. Knightfall is like the female version of Bruce Wayne who is just an extreme vigilante. What you should expect out of Batgirl for the next few issues are two or three issues of Knightfall. Stay tuned for previews of Batgirl #12 for next week before the issue comes out.  Who will kick more ass, Batgirl or Batwoman?

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Source- Newsarama 


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