Christian Bale Visits Victims of Shooting

Today Christian Bale ( Batman ) came to Aurora, Colorado Medical Center to visit the victims of the shooting from the movie theater . He didn’t come to see them as a spokesperson for Warner Brothers but rather as a individual says executive vice president for Warner Brothers corporate communications Susan Fleishman . A source at the hospital said Bale arrived via ambulance around 2 p.m.







“Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers,” said an assistant for Susan Fleishman, executive vice president for Warner Brothers corporate communications.

Shooting victim Carey Rottman posted to his Facebook page a picture of Bale visiting him in his hospital room.

“Wow!!! Thank you so much for the visit Christian!! What a great guy! Still in shock!,” Rottman wrote.

Christian Bale : “Words cannot express the horror that I feel,” Bale said in a statement released on Saturday, “I cannot begin to truly understand the pain and grief of the victims and their loved ones, but my heart goes out to them.”


Source – NYDailyNews via Fox 31 Denver

– Adam


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