I will be honest, I am not a huge fan of Batwoman. There, I said it. I don’t like the costume, I really just think Batwoman is Batgirl just older and gay. That’s it! The funny part about it is…that’s what it really is. It’s Barbara Gordon, just gay with short hair. I feel like Batwoman is Batgirl in a different universe like a Crisis on Two Earths scenario. Only the joke is…they exist in the same universe. I want so badly for either one of them to get a clue and walk the
In Issue #11, J. H. Williams continued with the flashbacks. It annoyed me that he continued this especially, the whole multiple stories in different time periods. It was unbelievable to me, it came to a point where I stopped reading about Maros (the villain) and Batwoman’s love interest, Det. Sawyer (whom I want so badly to be killed off soon), because I found both of them minor to Batwoman. They’re not as important to me maybe down the line fine, but in “Hydrology,” such confusion and frustation with those two characters. Another part of this issue is that Batwoman saves no one really. Maria (the aquatic ghost) came back and betrayed Batwoman, the kids went to another universe with Medusa, and Maros was a crap
Check out some of the panels that I thought were cool by McCarthy.