Dark Knight Rises Slightly Behind Marvel’s Avengers

Obviously a Batman fan’s biggest dream at the present moment is for The Dark Knight Rises to surpass Marvel’s The Avengers in the box office. L.A. Times posted an article yesterday featuring polls they took to see the statistics between the two films.

“The percentage of people in the U.S. and Canada who said they were “definitely interested” in seeing the Batman movie, or listed it as their “first choice” among upcoming releases, was virtually identical to the percentage for “Avengers” three weeks before its debut — at 64% and 22%, respectively.

“When “first choice” is sliced by demographic category, “The Dark Knight Rises” is stronger among men, while “The Avengers” was initially generating more excitement among women.

“The only category in which “The Dark Knight Rises” lagged significantly behind “Avengers” is that of “unaided awareness” — the percentage of people who could list it as an upcoming release without any prompting. The figure for the third Batman movie is 8%, compared with 13% for Avengers at the same point in time.

However, “Avengers” was the first tentpole release of the summer season, and there were no movies nearly as big opening in the three weeks before it. Prior to “The Dark Knight Rises” are such highly anticipated pictures as“The Amazing Spider-Man” and “Ice Age: Continental Drift.” The big advertising campaigns for those pictures make it a little tougher for Warner Bros. to get moviegoers’ attention.”


SOURCE: L.A. Times

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