Mother Al Ghul in The Dark Knight Rises?


Wow full circle indeed. Rumor came out yesterday that an actress by the name of ‘India Wadsworth’ will play the wife of Ra’s al Ghul and mother to Talia al Ghul (Aka. Miranda Tate). Now this is nowhere near 100% official but there is indeed a few sources. Wadsworth’s publicist actually revealed to IGN that the model/actress will be playing in The Dark Knight Rises as “The Warlord’s Daughter”. Based on that info you would expect that means Ra’s daughter Talia. But isn’t Marion Cotillard rumored to be Talia al Ghul? And Joey King rumored to play young Talia al Ghul? Could she be playing a teenaged Talia al Ghul? Not so fast. Turns out that if you check the Actress resume’ she is listed to be playing a character named “Mother”. The plot thickens. If she is indeed playing the wife of Ra’s al Ghul that we heard briefly about in Batman Begins, then we are in for one spectacular flashback sequence come July 20th. Below is a script page from her resume’ that shows a little scene from The Dark Knight Rises between a Mother and Daughter. Again this script peek may have no part in the final cut of The Dark Knight Rises so take with a grain of salt. Enjoy.





So what do you guys think? Will we see Mother al Ghul in The Dark Knight Rises? Comment below.







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