Do You Want To Write or Draw Comic Books? & A Message From Fandango loves the fans.  We are absolutely obsessed with looking at our Facebook “Likes” or our sites stats.  We cannot get enough of people commenting on our posts and love to talk about this kind of stuff with our fans and Batman fans in general.

So, with a giant smile on our faces, would like to give something back to our fans.  No, it is not money (we at are not even paid for our work, it is all a labor of love!), but it is the opportunity to share your labor of love.

If you write or draw, or write and draw, your own fan fiction comic books, in hopes of one day maybe making it big into the comic book universe, we want to help.  Send us an email, Facebook message, or just talk to any of the writers here at and share your work with us, even if it is not a complete story and just a couple of pannels!  If we feel that your work is good, then we will give you your own post up on the site for everyone else to read and comment on.  If your work is not quite up to par than we will kindly let you know this as well and give you some form of insight on how you could improve.

By posting on our site your work, which of course we will credit you for it, you will be able to feel the satisfaction of some payoff with your labor of love.  Other readers of the site will also see what you have done and possibly give their own feedback on your work.  &&& who knows?  Maybe some executive at DC Comics will see what you are doing and get in contact with you.

In other words, it really cannot hurt to do this.  It can only benefit you and everyone likes to feel appreciated!



Finally, about Fandango… on the right side of Darkknightnews’s homepage you will see a bar for Fandango.  This bar is an opportunity to purchase your tickets early for The Dark Knight Rises.  We urge you to click on THIS bar to buy your tickets for 2 reasons.  First, because you really should get them before they sell out!  &&& 2nd, by clicking on THAT Fandango Ad you will be helping grow.  I was approached by Fandango being asked to put this up on the site and in return for doing so every ticket purchased from it will allot us $.10 and every gift card $2.00. has decided that ALL of the proceeds made from this advert will be donated back into the site to help expand and improve what we can do for our fans.  So, if you are going to purchase tickets for The Dark Knight Rises why not purchase them here and help build this site to what it can truly become!!  Thank You!!!


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