A Systematic And Deductive Look At Trailer 4 Of The Dark Knight Rises

Stephen and Cam here to give you our thoughts on the newest trailer of The Dark Knight Rises that aired on MTV during the VMA’s.  The way we are going to set this up is that we are both just going to weigh in on what we saw during the trailer.  There is no need to say who said what, where, just know that we are both getting our points across for your benefit!

Most of this is from Trailer #3 and #2 but Bane is one bad ass as through this trailer we see a lot of explosions as we would get in any action film.

Let’s start from the opening scene!

:02 – John Blake opens with the line “You have made some mistake”

This is followed by a very emotional Selina Kyle stating “A girl’s gotta eat”

– “Girl’s gotta eat” this is a cool one liner for the Cat Thief

– Please note that she is either talking to John Blake about either Bane or Batman.

:07 – We cut to the Lamborghini scene with Ms. Kyle driving away.  We saw this in a TV Spot where Bruce is clued into the point that he now has a wife!

Back to John Blake – “you have an appetite, why would you run, you can’t hide from us with a record like this”

Selina rebuttals with “Maybe it is not you I am running from”

:14 – An opening shot of the Batcave

:16 – A shot of Bane crouching.  Is that a football field in the background on the monitors?  Maybe what he did earlier that day?  There are a lot of TV’s in this room, and medical supplies.  We know he was in a horrible disaster and that is why he must wear his mask.  There is a medical table there as well and a computer monitor you would find in a hospital.  There are steps that lead downward in the scene and is it in a morgue?  It almost looks that way, or they are storage cabinets.  In the background it looks like openings from where a body is taken out of storage.  Which would explain why all the medical supplies…

:18 – Selina Kyle is sitting in a subway tunnel very seductive.  She states “Don’t be shy”  This is either to Bane or Batman, which we think it is the latter.  We wonder if it is the set-up for the trap to come.  It is still a functional subway because the lights still work.

:19-:22 – Shot of Bane with his “trophy.”  He obviously does not value it as he throw it down.  Scene might be after Selina in the subway.  He nods his head as if to say: now that was not very hard

:23 – A shot that we thought was Gordon and a bunch of cops at an underground entrance.  Whoever was there has been there a while because there are flood lights set up.  Before the shot pans in you see that it is Bane standing in the foreground.

Bane holds onto his vest as if he knows what is coming.  The shots are connected because of the same lightening and the same background.

Then comes the explosion.

:28 A Tumbler patrols the streets of Gotham.  We have seen this shot, but our thoughts are new to it…  There is a lot of snow on the ground, but no tire marks in the snow.  The car that is there has a lot of snow stacked on top of it.  Shows that whoever lives around there is not going out for bread or milk at all.  You can also see that this Tumbler is the one with the cannon by looking on top of it.

:29 – Amazing shot of two mercenaries in front of a giant tunnel, there are cars stacked up so no one can pass by.  But why would you want to?  Snow is everywhere.

It seems that snow is what shows duration in this film.  In some of the shots, like the football field, there is really no snow, and now we are seeing the city covered in it.  I am guessing that the snow is there to show us that Bane has controlled the city for a while.

:29 – Two jets fly over top a complete destroyed Gotham.  However, are they flying over top to help or to harm the city?  We are not sure.  But that city is really, really destroyed!  Transformers 3 style…

:30 – :32 – Is this at the museum we know to be attacked with the masquerade ball?  This is an interrogation scene where some people feel it is Coleman Reese as the subject.  We are not sure who it is, but you do see someone being dragged towards a chair.  Bane is also, again, in the foreground.

:33 – Bane is crouching down, with the same outfit as his past scene on.  He is probably there to interrogate the poor victim.

:34 – “let the games begin!”

Bane puts his arms up where he destroys Batman’s cowl.  His body language seems to say “let’s go!”  We believe that Bane’s body language will play a huge role in demonstrating his ferocity.

:36 – The shot of the 3 bridges collapsing from the 3rd trailer.

:42 – The Batsuit coming up from the floor of the Batcave

:44 – Our shot of the Bat flying over Gotham, a policeman’s hat flies off.

:45 – An epic shot of the police chasing Batman on his Batpod.  No doubt this scene will be in full IMAX.  We think this could either be when Batman comes back in this movie or a shot from the end of last movie…

:50 – A shot of a man with a burlap sack on his head being taken to where the guy was interrogated earlier.  Probably the same man.  There are mercenaries with AK-47’s in hand guarding the entrance.

However, are they really mercenaries?  To be a mercenary you have to be paid, We wonder if they are misnamed and are fighting for a cause and not for money??

:51 – Selina Kyle says “He is behind you”

Mercenary says “Who?”

Batman growls “ME!”

This is much like in Batman Begins where Batman goes around picking off one thug after another.  We have scene now a few shots of Batman working in the dark picking off one mercenary after another in the trailers for this movie.  We are very excited for this!

Is this a point where Selina Kyle and Batman are working together?  Probably

:53 – John Blake is taking quite a tumble.  Anyone notice that giant rock sticking out in his path?

:54 – Gordon and Batman meet with a flare between them

:56 – There is a shot of Batman on top of a building.  Many people believe this to be the final shot of the movie, we disagree.  There is no snow on the ground and there are a lot of cars running across the city.  We feel it is probably either in the past, or when Batman just comes “back to his city” type of moment.

:57 – A shot of Bane right before his underground fight with Batman.  But what is exploding around him?  We are clueless.

:58 – Mercenaries dropping into the jail-ish place.  Everyone around them in the jail is running and ducking for cover.  But, are they there to drop off or to pick up?  Maybe they are picking up one Dr. Pavel for his date with Gotham.  That is our best guess.

:59 – Batman and Bane are fighting.  This is the shot we are lead to believe Batman loses… badly.  It also shows how ruthless and precise Bane is a fighter.

1:01 – Gordon is hiding from an explosion, his officers are not so lucky…

1:03- “You are in for a show tonight son” a police officer says to his rookie.  This has to be the start of that epic chase scene from earlier…

1:04 – Foley is firing his gun at something.  We believe it to be a Tumbler coming at him and eventually running him over.  We see this in an earlier picture.

1:04 – The HEMTT drives through an explosion.

1:05 – An absolutely AWESOME turn by Selina Kyle on the Batpod.  Did anyone else know the Batpod could turn its front wheel like that??? Of course not!  But cool anyway!

1:06 – The airplane being ripped apart by the wind from the prologue.

1:07 – John Blake running to or from something.  Water seems to be in his way…

1:07 – We see Selina Kyle doing a flip where she apparently breaks an inmates arms.  There is DEFINITELY a cell phone in his hands!!!  A new picture of Selina shows her in handcuffs in the airport from the start of this trailer.  So, we believe that this seen of her in jail is subsequent from her being arrested in the airport.  However, to quote the Joker “it’s all part of the plan,” since we later see the jail being destroyed and the inmates running free.  Anyone else feel bad for the guy whose arms are now broken and he cannot join in the fun his friends are about to have?

1:08 – The Bat dodging two missiles over top of a building.  There is a video on Youtube of a Tumbler firing two missiles from its special ability.  It is firing the missiles skyward so you have to believe the two missiles it fires are aimed at the Bat here.

1:10 – Bane is killing our CIA agent from the prologue.  Poor guy, completely saw it coming and couldn’t do anything about it!

1:10 – The Tumbler takes a tumble!  Sorry, couldn’t resist!

1:13 – Batman is jumping off some sort of building.  Probably on to some unsuspecting asshole.

1:13 – Bane is waving his men on!

1:13 – The start of a large police vs. mercenary brawl.  This cannot be the climax though!  There is no snow on the ground, still two Tumblers are standing too!  Most likely, this is where the police lose control of Gotham to Bane and his men.

1:14 – Quick shot of Batman firing his EMP gun at the motorcycle riders with the Stock Exchange hostages.

1:14 – Another quick shot of Selina Kyle firing the guns of the Batpod into that large blockade we spoke about earlier.

1:16 – The Bat chasing down the Tumbler and the HEMTT.  There is a video on Youtube of the HEMTT taking a tumble (sorry again) into the underground where it becomes that vehicles last stand.  I wonder if this is where Miranda Tate’s character takes a nose dive?

1:16 – Batman and Bane fighting.  Look at the eyes!  All about body language people!

1:19 – One of the closing scenes of this trailer.  We are back to the beginning.  Much like Nolan is taking The Dark Knight Rises full circle.

John Blake – “What do you know about him”

Selina Kyle – “That you should be as afraid of him as I am”  Chilling.

1:23 – Selina Kyle locks Batman in with Bane.  Bane walks towards Batman so very proud of himself.  It is what he always wanted…

and “Let the Games Begin” for this 2 hours and 45 minute summer blockbuster.


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